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Based in the New York Tri-state area with interests in local history and products. 

Local landmarks can easily be overlooked or forgotten. I think it's important to document them before they are completely gone. I love sharing photos of older settings, as they often strike up memories in those that see them. This strengthens the connections between us and our homes.

I consider myself an essentialist and believe the objects we own tell us a lot about who we are and what we value. I love photographing details that help products shine.

35mm black and white film was my training ground. The limitations of this medium require one to pay close attention to composition, texture, and lighting in order to make the most of each roll. After years of strictly shooting and developing film, I recently added digital photography to my kit. A modern workflow expands the possibilities of what I can record.

I have a background in film and television where I typically work as an A/V technician, camera assistant, and set grip on reality, advertisement and music video productions. 

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